Exercise : 10 Amazing Benefits of Regular Exercise { Physical Activity } | Physical & Mental Health Benefits of Exercise - Prana world


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Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Exercise : 10 Amazing Benefits of Regular Exercise { Physical Activity } | Physical & Mental Health Benefits of Exercise



Today, i will share you.  The Top 10 Surprising Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Regular Exercise { Regular Physical Activity}. 

 1. Exercise - Increase Strength & Flexibility:

Exercise increases your body's flexibility, helping everyday tasks become easier. it also sends more blood to your muscles, improving circulation and can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.  Stretching involves the extension of your muscles to increase flexibility.  Stretching is a necessary activity to begin in and end a workout so that your muscles can both prepare and recover from the physical activity. There are many streching exercises that you can do, but yoga is actually an 
exercise that involves almost nothing but stretching. The practice of yoga improve  your strength and flexibility.

2. Exercise - Improve Memory :

Running or swimming exercises boosts the size of the hippo campus, the part of the brain responsible for memory and learning, It will improve your memory and learning. sharpens your memory and helps with learning. boosts brain cell growth and strengthens cell - to  cell connections, which works to increase learning capacity.

 3. Exercise - Weight loss { Weight Management } :

Many people find that diets are very hard to stick to, so exercise is a great tool for managing weight by increasing the number of calories used throughout the day.  exercise can help
manage weight by decreasing body fat, increasing muscle mass and increasing resting metabolic rate. studies have shown that even a small change in weight {less than 10 %}
can have a large impact on overall health.

4. Exercise - Improve Bone Strength :

Bone  strengthening exercises are weight bearing activities that benefit your bones in a way that improves not just the overall strength, but also helps provide the framework for 
increased bone density later in life.  Teens who regularly perform bone strengthening exercises can help prevent diseases such as Osteoporosis and deterioration of bone later in life.
Examples of bone strengthening exercises include hopping, skipping, Jumping and running. 

5. Exercise - Reduce Blood pressure :

Regular physical Activity helps to ward off high blood pressure by maintaining clean arteries, a  strong heart and circulatory function. Exercise also reduce stress, which helps decrease
blood pressure as well.

6. Exercise - Improve Sleep :

Exercise floods the brain with BDNF { brain- derived neurotrophic factor}, a substance that boosts brain cell growth and strengthens cell-to-cell connections, which works to increase cognitive function.Give you better sleep and helps you relax.

7. Exercise - Reduce Stress :

Exercise helps to lower blood pressure, which can be a marker of high stress.Improve your mood and reduces depression, stress and anxiety.  Exercise releases serotonin and dopamine, the feel good neurotransmitters, which make you feel happier, more 
relaxed and less stressed.

8. Exercise - Improve Your { Job } Performance:-

Exercise makes brain cells stronger, healthier, better-connected and larger, which leads to increased learning capacity.  And exercise balances neurotransmitters and other chemicals 
in the brain.  These substances influence brain activity related to mood, attention, learning, motivation. That's why you are likely to feel calmer, more alert and more focused after 
exercise. Gives you more energy and helps keep you focused.Improves confidence and body image.

9. Exercise - Sex Life :

Improves your sex life by increasing your blood flow.  
Regular Exercise Slows the aging process and makes your older years more enjoyable. Strengthens and boosts your immune system.

10. Exercise -  Recover From Addiction :

Exercise helps control addictions to tobacco, alcohol and other drugs.  Exercise can help with addiction recovery.  As mention before, exercise can help you to develop discipline. Overcoming addiction can become a lot easier when a workout routine is in place.

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By - Umakrishnaveni Karnati

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