Today, i will explain you Simple and Natural Top 10 proven home remedies for removing dark underarms. Are you trying to find out how to whiten dark underarms? reading this article can be crucial turning point in your search to get the perfect skin that you always desired.
Are you ready to discover a break through secrets which can easily end the problem of dark underarms permanently in matter of days. Here are 10 ways to get rid of dark underarms Naturally in your home - DIY the Top 10 Natural Home Remedies to get rid of dark armpits overnight.
What are the Causes of dark armpits ?
While dark underarms can be attributed to a medical condition called acanthosis nigricans in some cases, the more common reasons for this discoloration happens due to the daily habits that we follow. These include shaving, use of hair removal creams, poor ventilation, chemical laden deodorants and sprays, improper hygiene, excessive sweating, and buildup of dead skin cells in the region. Unless the issue is caused by a medical condition, there are plenty of ways you can get rid of dark underarms at home itself.
Here are some of the real ways of apply scrubs to cleanse and whitening your skin. You will get Soft & Smooth White Underarms.
Take a look at these top 10 tried and tested home remedies for the same purpose.
DIY - HOME REMEDY # 1 - Olive oil AND Sugar :
Ingredients :
Sugar - 1 Teaspoon
Olive oil - 1 Teaspoon
How to use Process :-
Mix a one tablespoon of sugar and one tablespoon of olive oil into a paste. Apply it to your dark underarms, and their massage gently for 5 -10 minutes, finally rinse with soap and clean water. Sugar will help exfoliate dead skin cells while the olive oil will provide moisture for your skin.
DIY - HOME REMEDY # 2 Yogurt And Orange peel :
Ingredients :
Yogurt - 2 table spoons
Orange peel powder - 1 spoon
How to use Process :
Mash yogurt and dry orange peel powder into a paste. Using yogurt and orange peel is also a treatment for dark underarms effectively. Crush orange peel and mix with yogurt. Then scrub your armpits. Adapt this method 3 times per week to gain the effective results soon.
Wondering how to get rid of dark underarms for good? then take refuge in an orange, one of the best - known home remedies for dark armpits. Orange peels have potent exfoliating properties that help remove dead skin cells from the underarm area.
DIY - HOME REMEDY # 3 Milk And Honey :
Ingredients :
Milk - 2 table spoons
Honey - 3 table spoons
How to use Process:
Create this mixture of milk and honey with the ratio 2-3 tablespoon of honey and milk to rub on your armpits before bathing. Then rinse after 10-15 minutes.
DIY - HOME REMEDY # 4 Potato Juice And Condensed Milk :
Ingredients :
Potatoes - 1
Condensed Milk - 2 table spoons
How to use Process :
Cut the potatoes into thin slices and then grind into juice. Next, mix it with about 2 table spoons of condensed milk and rub the mixture underarms. Leave it dry and rinse with cold water after 10 minutes.
Potatoes have natural bleaching properties that can lighten the skin in the armpits in no time at all. You can use potatoes in a variety of ways to rid of dark underarms. The mild acidic properties of potatoes help lighten the underarm area without harming your skin, thus making it the best choice for those with sensitive skin.
DIY - HOME REMEDY # 5 Baking Soda And Lemon :
Ingredients :
Baking soda - 2 tea spoons
Lemon Juice - 2 tea spoons
How to use Process :
Mix baking soda with lemon juice and make a fine paste. Apply on your underarms and keep it on a for a few minutes. Then wash off with water. This will help remove dead skin cells that accumulate in the underarms.
DIY - HOME REMEDY # 6 Cucumber And Turmeric Powder :
Ingredients :
Cucumber - 1
Turmeric - 1 tea spoon
Lemon Juice - Optional
How to use Process :
Mix two tablespoons of cucumber juice with one teaspoon of turmeric powder. Adding lemon juice { if you want } will enhance the ability of lightening your skin. Apply this mixture to underarms and then about 30 minutes, rinse with water to get smoother underarms. Repeat this home remedy daily or two days once for better result.
DIY - HOME REMEDY # 7 Baking soda and Coconut oil :
Ingredients :
Baking Soda - 1 table spoon
Coconut Oil - 1 table spoon
How To use Process :
Take one table spoon of baking soda with a teaspoon of coconut oil mix baking soda with coconut oil and scrub under your arms, then scrub for 2 -3 minutes very gently, leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes and wash off. Do as often as you like, exfoliation is an important step in your skin care routine. Baking soda gently exfoliates the skin removing any dark or rough patches making it softer and smoother.
DIY - HOME REMEDY # 8 Tomato Lemons And sugar :-
Ingredients :
Lemon - 1
Sugar - 2 table spoons
Tomato - 1
Honey - 1 tea spoon - Optional
How to Process :
Take a bowl and add 1 table spoon of lemon juice, 2 table spoons of sugar, and one mashed tomato, honey then mix it well. Then apply your armpits and gentle massage on circular motion, leave it for 5 to 10 minutes. Then wash it on soap and water. Try this home remedy twice a week you will get soft and smooth white underarms. you feel like you are a new born baby.
Tomato and Lemons contain bleaching properties that will help in lightening the skin. It also contain potent antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help get rid of bacteria in places like the groin and armpits. Along with sugar, lemon contains exfoliating properties that will help get rid of the dead skin cells in the armpit region. This, in turn, would make the underarm area become fairer with time.
DIY - HOME REMEDY # 9 Coconut Oil:-
Coconut oil - As you need.
How to use Process :
Coconut oil you had better apply coconut oil over your underarms after bathing or before bedtime so that your skin has time to absorb its nutrients. The oil should be use about 2 to 3 times every week for the best result. Coconut oil contains high amounts of vitamin E that can exfoliate the skin as well as lighten the skin under the arms in a very short span of time. Coconut oil is also a natural deodorant that can treat smelly armpits effectively.
DIY - HOME REMEDY # 10 Aloe Vera :-
Ingredients :
Aloe Vera - As per your need
How to Process :
Apply Aloe Vera gel under your arms, Just massage it for few seconds wait for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
Aloe Vera also can be used as natural home remedy for dark underarms. Aloe Vera used as a natural exfoliate for your underarms. Aloe Vera not only helps in Maintaining the natural skin tone. Aloe Vera provides a healthy, bright, and clean complexion by increasing the amount of oxygen delivered to your skin. Aloe Vera has anti- inflammatory properties calm the skin, reduce darkness, and minimize the visibility of darkness.
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BY - Umakrishnaveni Karnati
nice article.
Thank you,Anusha Reddy
DeleteThis is amazing. THANK YOU for leaving your experiences.
ReplyDeletelighten underarms at home with baking soda
Thank you so much.