Today i will explain how to open { Awaken } blocked chakras step by step process, and also answer below questions.
why should you focus on chakra blockages and how do you open blocked chakras?
which of your chakras are blocked? how to find ?
Symptoms of energy blocks in chakras :
- Fear
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Anger
- Addictions
- Guilt
- Dependency issues
Benefits Of open your chakras :
- Regenerating Confidence
- Positive Energy
- Live in the moment
- Experience life to the fullest
- Aware of your own energy
- Love Yourself and others.
The First Chakra : Muladhara Base/Root chakra
Location: Located at the base of the spine.
Color: Red
Root chakra is connection to the earth, health concerned with physical survival,energy , abundance, family, passion, moving forward in life, and distribution and practicality.
Muladhara Base Chakra blocked Symptoms:
- Abandoned
- Anxious
- Addictions
- Depressed
- Feeling UN-grounded
- Insecurities
- Indecisive
- Loneliness
- Low- Confident
- Obsessions
- Phobias
How to open Blocked Muladhara { Root/Basic} chakra :-
Stones / Crystals - Ruby, red jasper crystals.
Chakra Healing Affirmations.
Chakra Healing Affirmations.
Foods : Beets, Apples, Pomegranates, Parsnips.
Chakra Meditation
When you begin to balance your Muladhara { Root / Basic} chakra, you will feel sensible, stable and more secure.
The Second Chakra: Swadhistana / Sacral Chakra
Location: Located in the lower abdomen just below the navel.
Color: Orange
Swadhistana chakra functions are connection to the other people,creativity, energy, confidence, feelings, sexual drive and pleasure, sexual health and exploration.
Swadhistana / Sacral Chakra: blocked Symptoms:
- Eating Disorders
- Low- Self Confidence
- Addictions
- Dependency Issues
- Low- Sex Drive
- UN-balanced Emotions
How to open Blocked Swadhistana / Sacral chakra :-
Stones / Crystals - Carnelian or Citrine crystals.
Chakra Healing Affirmations.
Chakra Healing Affirmations.
Foods : Seeds, Nuts, Oranges, Carrots, Pumpkins.
Chakra Meditation
When your Swadhistana / Sacral Chakra is balanced, you feel freedom,and emotionally steady, which helps you empathy and passion.
The Third chakra: Manipura / Solar Plexus Chakra
Location: Located just below the rib.
Color: Yellow
Manipura / Solar Plexus chakra identifies desires, inner strength, assists in the sense of identity, self - confidence,gut feelings and personal power.
Manipura / Solar Plexus chakra blocked Symptoms:
- Lack of Memory
- Lack of Concentration
- Frequent Fearing
- Feeling Uncentered
- Sugar Addictions
- Insomnia
- Eating Disorders
How to open Blocked Manipura / Solar Plexus{ Navel } chakra :-
Stones / Crystals - Yellow Jasper crystal.
Chakra Healing Affirmations.
Chakra Healing Affirmations.
Foods : Yellow Peppers, Yellow Squash, Oats, Bananas.
Chakra Meditation
When you have a balanced Manipura / Solar Plexus { Navel} Chakra, you feel in control and have a high level of self dignity.
The Fourth Chakra: Heart / Anahata Chakra
Location: Located at the center of the chest.
Color: Green
Heart / Anahata Chakra deals with love, compassion, relationships,Safety,trust,adventure, personal development,forgiveness, direction and sharing.
Heart / Anahata chakra blocked Symptoms:
- Apathetic
- Distrustful
- Faithlessness
- Hopelessness
- Detached
- Uncommeted
- Unforgiving
How to open Blocked Heart chakra :-
Stones / Crystals - crystals Green Aventurine or Rose quartz.
Chakra Healing Affirmations.
Chakra Healing Affirmations.
Foods : Kale, Broccoli, Leafy greens, Green Apples.
Chakra Meditation
When heart chakra properly balanced, you will find yourself to be more compassionate and friendly.
The Fifth Chakra: Vishuddha / Throat chakra
Location : Located at the throat
Color: Blue
Vishuddha / Throat chakra concerns with communication, personal expression, freedom, responsibility, the flow of information,and leadership.
Vishuddha / Throat chakra blocked Symptoms:
- Nervousness
- Anxiety
- Fear
- Attention deficit disorders
- Poor Coping Skills
- Feeling Isolated
How to open Blocked Vishuddha / Throat chakra :-
Stones / Crystals - turquoise or angelite crystals.
Chakra Healing Affirmations.
Chakra Healing Affirmations.
Foods : Blue Berries, Blue raspberries, Kelp, Figs.
Chakra Meditation
When Vishuddha / Throat chakra properly balanced, you find it easy to express yourself, often times turning to art.
The Sixth Chakra: Ajna / Third Eye Chakra
Location: Located at the center of the brows.
Ajna / Third Eye Chakra concerned with understanding,mind, ideas,thoughts, dreams, perception,intuition,psychic abilities, knowledge, and mental organization.
Ajna / Third Eye Chakra blocked Symptoms:
- Headaches and Migraines
- Nightmares
- Seizures
- Neurological Disorders
- Personality Disorders
- Neuroses
- Learning Difficulties
- Hallucinations
How to open Ajna / Third Eye chakra :-
Stones / Crystals - crystals Indigo.
Chakra Healing Affirmations.
Chakra Healing Affirmations.
Foods : Plums, Purple Grapes.
Chakra Meditation
When you balanced Ajna / Third Eye Chakra, you may dream a lot and find yourself in tune with your sixth sense.
The Seventh Chakra : Sahasrara / Crown Chakra
Location: Located just above the top of the head.
Color: Violet
Sahasrara / Crown Chakra maintains an overall balance of the chakra system, spirituality, divine wisdom, enlightening, stimulating cosmic perception, connection to the universe, imagination, awareness, optimism, and intuition and inspiration.
Sahasrara / Crown Chakra blocked Symptoms:
- Confusion
- Depression
- Loss of faith
- Mentally Disconnected
- Dementia
- Epilepsy
- Schizophrenia
How to open Blocked Sahasrara / Crown chakra :-
Stones / Crystals - Amethyst crystals.
Chakra Healing Affirmations.
Chakra Healing Affirmations.
Foods : Egg Plant Brinjal,
Chakra Meditation
When your Sahasrara / Crown Chakra is balanced, you feel no prejudice and you become more aware of your place in the world.
Thank you For Reading. This Article, If you have any doubts Please Ask me On comments Section, am very happy to answer your questions or doubts.
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